
Posts Tagged ‘Lori Perkins’

Who Likes to Read (FREE) Trashy Romance Novels?

September 15, 2010 5 comments

Well, with the advent of eReaders, no one is going to see the cover of that trashy romance novel you’re reading anyway (as one Kindle user blog pointed out recently), so enjoy your guilty pleasure without anyone else being the wiser! 😉

Anyway, the publisher Ravenous Romance has made nine ten of their eBooks available for FREE download over on the All Romance bookstore. I have no idea how long this free promo will last, so if you like this genre, snap these freebies up! The free books are a mix of contemporary/historical/paranormal/mystery/fantasy romance-erotica. So those with delicate sensibilities, be sure to stay far far away!

The books on offer include:

1) Magic University: The Siren and the Sword by Cecilia Tan (Fantasy Romance)

Kyle Wadsworth arrives at Harvard eager to start his new life as a college student away from the cold and distant great-aunt who has raised him. But he walks into a building that only magical people can see, confusing both himself and the administrators of Veritas, the secret magical university hidden inside Harvard. There he first sees a beautiful girl who seems magical to him in every way.
Soon Jess Torralva is tutoring Kyle in the ways of magic, sex, and love. But trouble is afoot at Veritas. Rumors abound that a siren is haunting the library, and when Kyle’s best friend is attacked, Kyle is determined to use his newly learned skills in erotic magic to catch the culprit. But which is more important, his quest for justice or his search for true love?

This is the first of the four-book Magic University series, the Sword and the Siren.

More of the freebies after the jump!
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