
Posts Tagged ‘UK Kindle Daily deal’

Amazon UK Kindle Daily Deal! Six of The Best Daily Deals of the Last Year for £0.99 Each! #AmazonUK

November 14, 2012 Leave a comment

Hey, Amazon UK Kindlers, you get your own special Kindle Daily Deal too!

Each day we will unveil one book in the Kindle Daily Deal at a specially discounted price–for that day only. Deals go live at midnight and ends 23:59 the same day.

And the new deal is…

Six of The Best Daily Deals of the Last Year

Six of The Best Daily Deals of the Last Year‘ are now available at the specially discounted price of £0.99 each on the UK Kindle site.

Book Description

To celebrate one year of Kindle Daily Deals, we’re repeating six of the most popular deals from the last year, just in case you missed them first time round.

Crime, Thrillers and Mystery:

Historical Fiction:

Literary Fiction:


Best Customer Review Score:

Literary Award Winner:


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Amazon UK Kindle Daily Deal! The First Assassin by John J. Miller for £0.99!

December 15, 2011 Leave a comment

Hey, Amazon UK Kindlers, you get your own special Kindle Daily Deal too!

Each day we will unveil one book in the Kindle Daily Deal at a specially discounted price–for that day only. Deals go live at midnight and ends 23:59 the same day.

And the new deal is…

The First Assassin‘ by John J. Miller from AmazonEncore is now available at the specially discounted price of £0.99 on the UK Kindle site. *The US Kindle edition is currently priced at $7.99.

Book Description

Winter 1861: the United States teeters on the brink of civil war. In Washington, D.C., Colonel Charles P. Rook is tapped to organize the district’s security and to protect president-elect Abraham Lincoln from the death threats pouring in to the White House. He surrounds the president with bodyguards and fills the city’s rooftops with sharpshooters, diligently investigating the conspiracies being fomented with increasing intensity by Southern secessionists. Yet amidst the chaos and confusion, a foreigner slips unnoticed into the teeming city. Hired by a wealthy Southern planter to eliminate President Lincoln and destroy the Union once and for all, the assassin catches Rook’s attention by cutting down anyone who gets in his way. As the bodies begin to pile up, Rook realizes he is caught in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse with a cold-blooded killer who will stop at nothing to complete his mission. Rook’s only hope is Portia, a runaway slave who holds the key to the assassin’s identity—if she can stay alive long enough to deliver it.

Packed with dynamic characters, rich period detail, and a chillingly sinister villain, The First Assassin is a riveting thriller for fans of historical fiction.


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