
Archive for December 12, 2012

Sourcebooks’ 25 Days of Christmas! for December 12

December 12, 2012 Leave a comment

Sourcebooks 25 Days of Christmas

Oh hey, Sourcebooks is giving us 25 Days of Christmas with daily discounts on their most popular ebooks! You can sign up HERE and wait for the daily deal to be sent to your inbox each morning.

For December 12, the deal is The Fire Lord’s Lover (The Elven Lords) by Kathryne Kennedy for just $0.99 (Amazon link)!

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‘5 Questions’ Interview With Austin Wimberly! @AustinWimberly1

December 12, 2012 Leave a comment

5 Questions

Today I’m thrilled to welcome author Austin Wimberly to the blog as part of the ‘5 Questions’ with authors interview series!

If you are an author who would like to participate in the series, fill out the questionnaire here! And if you are a reader who wants to suggest an author for the series, just send me an email!

Sobornost by Austin Wimberly

Describe your book Sobornost in ten words or less

Sobornost: an adoption themed story about the limitless bonds of love.

Where or how did you come up with the idea for your story?

I am the adoptive father of four children from Russia. I initially conceived of this story while contemplating what I would tell my children when they inevitably asked about their mothers. We weren’t given any information, so I researched the causes of child abandonment in Russia in order to construct some plausible scenario of what might have happened in my children’s cases.

From this research, I came upon the Russian concept of “sobornost” which is basically a kind of community whereby people maintain individuality yet work together in a community. The idea in practice is basically a family, but the scope of the idea is very broad in scope. The practice of true “sobornost” would result in a kind of universal family. The idea of universal family is very much present in any adoption story.

Which of your characters (in this book) is closest to your heart and why?

I think I resonate the strongest with Boris. He’s not a major character, but his story says everything about whether “sobornost” is possible or not.

Readers have also resonated strongly with Boris. He is definitely the most memorable character in the book.

Do you have a day job? If yes, tell us about it and how did that affect your writing / publishing process?

I do have a day job, and my career has helped make me very disciplined about getting my writing time in each day.

Between working full-time, soccer games, gymnastics, school, and all the other demands of parenthood, writing time is scarce and therefore highly valued.

Tell us about an upcoming book or project you’re excited about

I’m currently researching for my next book which will be more of a fun story. I needed to work on something light because Sobornost, by the nature of the story, was very difficult to write. Many tears were shed during the course of writing that book.

My current project is all about laughter and mirth.

Bonus Question! Fill in the blank: If you like ___, you’ll probably like my book too!

The Kite Runner, What Men Live By, or anything by Frederick Buechner

Thanks again for stopping by, Austin Wimberly! You can learn more about the author via his website:, Facebook: austinwimberlysobornost, and Twitter: @AustinWimberly1.

 Sobornost is available on Amazon (Kindle).

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