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Several FREE Children / YA E-Books for Download from Smashwords

Barty the Kid, A Legend is Born‘ by Jason Thibeault is available for FREE download on the Smashwords site. Just click here to download! The book even has sequels! Barty the Kid, Curiosity Killed the Cat, Barty the Kid, Secrets and Whispers and Barty the Kid, In the Past which you’ll have to pay $0.99 each for though.

Book Description:

Barty Scrivner is a 13-year old Wizard in 1895 Boston. But he’s not an ordinary wizard.

No, he has a special talent. He’s the fastest draw in the East and he’s proven it time and again. But Barty wants more. He wants to be the most talked about wizard ever.

* Jason Thibeault seems to be pretty prolific. He has other books that seem interesting to me too. Conjunction is about a teen-ager who gets caught up in a freak storm and now travels to different worlds in the universe battling a variety of enemies to save the universe. Jake: Vampire Hunter, Secrets Revealed is about a 13-year-old who becomes an unwilling participant in the ancient war of good versus evil. Both these books are also FREE to download.

Enjoy the free books! And think about taking advantage of the eReader price war!

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