
Archive for June 30, 2010

FREE eCookbook Download from the Sony eBook Store

June 30, 2010 Leave a comment
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Well, you’ve probably heard by now about the ongoing eReader price war. Sony hasn’t really jumped into the fray, although the Sony 600 has been reduced to $189. Anyway, I do like to check the Sony Ebook Store occasionally, since Sony tends to release different free ebooks from Amazon every now and then (check out the free books & bargains on this page). And I’m glad I did since I saw this cookbook for free download.

‘Epicurious: Get Closer to Your Food’ is available for FREE download from the Sony e-bookstore. Note that you would need the Sony Reader or the FREE desktop Sony Reader software to be able to read it.

Book Description:

These 10 inaugural recipes from, the premier, award-winning food Web site, aim to nourish bodies, satiate cravings, and comfort souls.

With a recipe database that incorporates more than 25,000 professionally tested recipes, 75,000 member-submitted recipes, and Web-exclusive original content from editors and leading food experts around the world, is the authority on all things culinary.

So whether you’re yearning for prawns from South Africa, all-American barbecued beef ribs, or a simple salad made with pears, arugula, and pancetta, is your recipe source.


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FREE E-Book for Download – ‘The Ware Tetralogy’ by Rudy Rucker

June 30, 2010 Leave a comment
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I’d heard about Rudy Rucker before from friends of mine who love Cyberpunk fiction. Well, here’s our chance to check his writing out for FREE! Mr Rucker has made available for FREE download e-book versions of his award winning ‘The Ware Tetralogy‘ – an omnibus of his groundbreaking series [Software, Wetware, Freeware, and Realware]. The paperback version of ‘The Ware Tetralogy’ can be bought on Amazon, but you can check out if his style is to your liking first via the free e-book version.

The Ware Tetralogy‘ by Rudy Rucker is available for FREE download on his official website (in PDF and RTF formats). Or you can head on to ManyBook.Net where it is available in pretty much all the available ebook formats (i.e. Epub, Mobi, HTML, etc etc).

Book Description:

Your Guide to the 21st Century!

It starts with Software, where rebel robots bring immortality to their human creator by eating his brain. Software won the first Philip K. Dick Award.

In Wetware, the robots decide to start building people — and people get strung out on an insane new drug called merge. This cyberpunk classic garnered a second Philip K. Dick award.

By Freeware, the robots have evolved into soft plastic slugs called moldies — and some human “cheeseballs” want to have sex with them. The action redoubles when aliens begin arriving in the form of cosmic rays.

And with Realware, the humans and robots reach a higher plateau.

If you like ‘The Ware Tetralogy’, be sure to e-mail Rudy Rucker or let him know via his website! And check out his other books while you’re on his website!


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FREE MP3 Download – ‘My First Kiss’ (Feat Ke$ha) by 3OH!3

June 30, 2010 Leave a comment
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Hey, the Coca-Cola Formula For Happiness weekly free MP3 download is back! Their MySpace page went on hiatus for a while, so I stopped checking.

The Coca-Cola Formula For Happiness FREE download of the week is ‘My First Kiss’ (Feat Ke$ha) by 3OH!3 from the album ‘Streets of Gold‘.

Yes, the song is mindless sexist pop, but you gotta admit that it has an ear-worm of a chorus! Besides it’s free, so just go HERE to download and just click where it says ‘Coca Cola Weekly Download’ for the free track!


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Currently Listening To… Sara Bareilles’ King Of Anything

June 30, 2010 Leave a comment
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Radio’s summer jam may be Katy Perry’s California Gurls, but MY jam is Sara Bareilles’ latest single ‘King Of Anything‘. It’s off her new album ‘Kaleidoscope Heart’ that you can pre-order right now (iTunes, Amazon). She just released the official music video on iTunes – and while I don’t really like the video, I do love the catchy song. I just don’t get the video though – what does it have to do with the song? The only parts I like on the video were the spoons & forks arranged like piano notes – but again – what does that have to do with the song?!

The track itself, however, has really caught my ear – I like that it’s such an ironically angry song. She’s asking – who made you king of anything? who gave you the right to dictate to me? But the angry or sarcastic message is in contrast to the lilty and happy and frankly bubble-gum-fun tune. The contrast reminds me of Lily Allen’s angry ode to Pres. Bush (F**k You) that’s similarly gift-wrapped in a sweet tune.

What’s YOUR summer jam?


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