
Archive for June 3, 2010

Stalkerazzi on the Job – Adam Lambert (and a bit of Kris Allen & Allison Iraheta) Part 6

June 3, 2010 Leave a comment

Opening up a new post that’s just all about Articles/ Tweets/ Media links or rumor-mongering/ private life/ stalkerazzi or whatever will not warrant an actual post since Adam (& Allison & Kris) are embarking on new summer tours! Stalkerazzi Post Part 5 is still HERE! …   Just bookmark this post since I’ll be updating this as tidbits come up!

Really good review of Adam’s concert at Mystic Lake! Stagey Adam Lambert rocks Mystic Lake

VH1 Posted – Backstage with Adam and Allison! Ouch! Nipple piercing!

VH1 Posted: Adam Lambert Dishes On The “If I Had You” Video Shoot (Adam blogs again!)

I was also thrilled to feature my band, dancers and a special guest all of whom will be appearing on my upcoming Glam Nation tour.
I believe that this video is the perfect follow up to the angst of “Whataya Want From Me.” If that song begged to ask the questions, this one joyfully gives the answers. Enjoy!

MTV 10 on Top (Feat. Adam)

New blog from Adam: TOP 10 THINGS I WONT LEAVE HOME WITHOUT WHEN GOING ON TOUR: (if you are scorned, the entire text is HERE)

6. Journal. With this, I can write lyrics for any ideas of songs that I have as well as take notes on all of these amazing experiences that I am getting to participate in.

VH1 Posted Promo – Meet & Greet with Adam

More VH1 Posted Promo – My Song’s On The Radio!

Want a private tour of Adam’s tour bus? Sasha (Adam’s dancer) has it covered!

Adam Lambert: Posted Promo – Lighting Rehearsal

From VH1 – Adam Lambert talks about his inspiration for Glam Nation Tour (Adam’s blog) -> if you are scorned by VH1, here’s the text!

“I have one of the most talented group of musicians working with me! I’ve written music with Monte (a tender Scorpio) for years. He’s the best guitar player I know. He has a huge heart and I’m so glad he’s with me on this journey. Not only can Tommy (beautiful Libra) kill on the bass, but also he and I believe so faithfully in the glam look and lifestyle. He is also willing to get controversial in the sake of great entertainment. Friend for life. Longineu (another Aquarius) is a powerhouse! He has amazing talent and his energy is intense and dominant. Perfect for my music! Our newest addition, Cam (earthy Capricorn) is the icing on our cake. She is so highly skilled on the keys, and she has a gorgeous voice. Her addition blew my mind. I knew we’d be lucky to have her. She’s grounded and smart and often a welcome voice of reason.”

Adam’s interview with the Ralphie Radio Show

Well, WKRZ is really milking it! Here’s Adam’s acoustic WWFM from the soundcheck he did:

Click HERE for the complete transcript to Adam’s telephone conference with media!

Where are the Kris Allen fans? It’s pretty pathetic that he can’t sell out a 759 seat venue (Fine Line Music Cafe) 2 nights before his concert.

Give VH1 some hits! Video of Adam reporting from Wilkes-Barre, PA

Adam interview with 98.5 KRZ – Video Part 1 and Part 2. Also, check out Rocky & Sue’s blog for an extra video + photos!

Adam in the Australian DNA magazine (via purist of AO)

Adam is the first featured artist for VH1 posted – check the site out HERE! It’s a one stop shop for all things Adam.

This interview is veeeery interesting, esp the one about no reviewers allowed! lol – wonder if he’ll get crap for that… on second thought, maybe because of ET’s exclusive access to his first stop? A conversation with Adam Lambert (The Weekender)

… After posing for pictures and signing autographs for his frenetic fans at KRZ, Lambert holed up in the station’s kitchen to talk to the Weekender — and eat a long-anticipated sandwich. (Transcript follows)
No media — reviewers, photographers, etc. — is allowed at Friday’s show at the KirbyCenter. Why?
We put this (tour) together really quick, and this show was designed for the fans. Anyone else who comes is going to love it, but it’s for (the fans). I want it to be theirs, at least to begin with. I want it to be sacred that way. I want it to be an exchange for me and my fans and let them talk amongst themselves and really get excited about it — they’re the ones making it sold out.
Once we get into a groove and really establish a relationship with the fanbase, then I’d love to have journalists and critics come. I’m really open to that, but I really want to have a week, at least, under our belts to really connect with the audience before it gets exploited by the media, or celebrated.
I’ve learned a lot this year about media. I love the media, I love interviewing, photography, journalism, but the music and the performance come first to me, and I really want to emphasize that. (The tour) is a slight work-in-progress and there might be some changes in a couple days. I want to really solidify the show before I open it up to critics.

Adam in PA!

Adam Lambert interview airs 2morrow on "The RRS", thanks Art ... on Twitpic @adamlambert on Twitpic @adamlambert on Twitpic

Rock FM (UK) radio interview with Adam (DL Link)

Meet and greet for Adam at Steamtown Mall in Scranton PA – Music Fans Fill Scranton Mall to Meet Adam Lambert and Former Idol Contestant Visits Scranton (w/ Video)

“In just two days, former American Idol contestant Adam Lambert will kick off his first headlining tour at the Kirby Center in Wilkes-Barre. As the super-star gets ready, he made a brief stop at the Mall at Steamtown to mean with fans. Loud screams greeted Lambert as he walked into a room with 100 select fans. Many of those fans were overcome with emotion. “I love him,” Allison Hammer said. “I’m excited, really.” Lambert signed hundreds of autographs. The 100 fans who got to meet Lambert won a radio promotion with station 97-BHT.”

“One hundred lucky fans won tickets to meet Adam Lambert in a meet-and-greet promotion sponsored by the mall and radio station 97 BHT. “It’s a great place to start, the northeast and we were here before with the Idol tour and the audience was great. We thought we could relax here for a few days, get our final finishing touches on the tour and get it ready,” Lambert said. BHT DJs said Lambert’s tour is so popular he has already had to add extra concert dates.”

IdolChatter has the most complete transcript from Adam’s media telephone conference call that I’ve seen, but it’s still a partial transcript – Adam Lambert talks Glam Nation Tour, more

Would you ever consider releasing your song Fever as a single? Or would the male pronoun in it scare off some radio stations?
The male pronoun is a red flag, but we haven’t talked about it yet. We have to see how the feel is in the market, what the trends are, what the best choice is for me career-wise. I know there’s a lot of interest in it internationally, overseas, so who knows? Maybe it will end up as a single over there and trickle over here.
Did you have a hand in picking the opening acts for you tour (Allison Iraheta and Orianthi)?
I talked with my management, and Allison was one of the options. And I said that we definitely had to go with Allison. I love her to death, she’s extremely talented, and I want more and more people to be aware of her music. Her album is incredible. Orianthi is somebody I’d met in passing at the Michael Jackson This is It premiere, and she’s in the same management company as I am. She’s really sweet, super talented and I thought she’d be a good counterpart.

Here’s a review of Kris’ concert – ‘Idol’ winner’s concert appeals to fans (The Capital Times) – how big is this theatre? Sounds like the reviewer is saying that the place was too big for Kris…

… Allen is everything any fan of “Idol” would expect. He has killer charm and his pitch perfect voice resonates, two things undoubtedly pleasing to every ticket holder.
… Allen is confident and comfortable on the stage, but … The lighting didn’t compliment his set and while the sound was decent, the constant cues to the sound crew were distracting. While his laid back demeanor is one major draw, Allen’s band looked more like a jam session of buddies rather than a backup to the singer.
Really, the Capitol Theater in the Overture Center just wasn’t the right fit for him. The concert was definitely not a bust, Allen’s voice and endearing personality can be appreciated much more live, but next time he tours, a smaller, more intimate venue that sells out would it his performance style better.
Overall, Allen was just as charming and talented as portrayed on “Idol,” leaving no fan disappointed at the end of the night.

Adam just did some telephone interviews with media as promo for his tour, some tweets and some print media:

chadkennedy – On the phone with @AdamLambert. Turn of century New Orleans meets classic rock, Adam describes the tour – says it is “it’s own little world.” Adam says the tour will mostly be family-friendly. Adam on American Idol finale: he wasn’t invited to perform only sit in audience, says tribute to Simon was organized last minute, no drama. Adam on being an out gay artist: challenging but he likes the novelty. Adam on tour: trying to give the show a world to exist in, will be very visual, theatrical. Adam on tour: psychedelic rock glam, punk rock/retro/vintage – Skin.Graft is designing costume pieces for the tour which he is excited about. Adam on being out: He says he came out because he knew it would be a hell of a lot easier, no point in keeping the secret, not a big deal. Adam on not giving him presents on tour: more meaningful to just have you there taking in the show, as much as he loves the thought. Adam on American Idol: Amazing platform, great challenge, teaches you a lot, but recording industry much different world. Adam on tour production: been very involved with the creative process, knew what he wanted it to be. Adam on recording album: really exciting to have access to best producers in the biz, that was the highlight for him. Adam on Twitter: amazing medium to communicate with fans, likes that he can directly express himself honestly to you guys. BTW, tour being “family friendly” was not direct quote from Adam, my own summary of what he said. Will have his quote for you in full intvw. Adam on how he’s grown since Idol: trusting his instincts and learning to compromise what he wants vs what great minds in industry want. Adam says expressing his sexuality scares a lot of people, but his performances will reflect the emotion in his songs. Adam on imitating his style now: always flattering, sometimes a little strange. Just doing what he’s always done, hard to believe. Adam says he’s not really a gambler, won’t be gambling at casinos on the tour. I’m surprised, anyone else? Adam on tour message: strong message of love, cliche but true. Show is built for the fans! Inviting audience to take journey w/ him. show starts w/ seduction, journey into the unknown then heartbreak, honesty and ends w/ celebration, joy, love. Adam on sexuality scaring people: maybe AMA performance was too much, but can’t sit and worry, that’s not art, just needs to express himself. Adam says he learned the most from Linda Perry on recording this album. Adam on his image: can’t listen to the critics, have to follow your own instincts, trying to stay true to what his goals are. Adam on Max Martin: Max is one of the best in the biz, knows what will sound best, he trusted that, always been a fan. Adam on tour costumes: “goth before goth became a cliche”. That’s all for the interview with @AdamLambert! He was so nice!! Hope you guys enjoyed! Full interview on @teenscene later this week! 🙂
ainow – Just got off the call w/Adam Lambert! Will be posting about it soon. Got lots of info about tour! Yes, we asked about M&G 😉 Stay tuned! Adam Lambert will be doing 2 surprise covers on the tour! Lots more info coming soon!
MattCarterMedia – All right guys, the call is done! I’m going to put up first the two questions from my chat with Adam, then highlights from the rest. My chat with @adamlambert, extremely kind guy. Had a great time talking to him –
Interview: Adam Lambert talks songwriting, cultural experience – “There’s definitely cultural differences — in Japan, audiences aren’t as vocal or as loud until you’ve finished singing. (Laughs.) After the performance they’re really excited, but during it they’re just really calm, versus in America where they just dance around during the song. So it’s interesting, and there’s definitely a universal joy there.”
Adam Lambert’s Grand Plans for Foxwoods Show – “If you’re going to the show, don’t expect to see Adam partying or gambling. He’s not much of a gambler. He also plans to take care of himself to deliver for all his fans. “I’m doing 70 shows in three months, so it be important to rest and take care of myself,” he said.”
Adam Lambert Promises ‘Sexy’ But ‘Tasteful’ Show on ‘Glam Nation’ Tour – “From the top of the show I’m inviting the audience to take a journey with me into this emotional and thematic world,” he explains. “At the beginning it’s more about seduction, venturing into the unknown and taking chances — mystery and intrigue and sexiness. The midpoint of the show really explores heartbreak and vulnerability and honesty, and then the latter half of the show is celebration and joy and love and connection.” Lambert also promised “a surprise cover [song] or two,” as well as a mid-show acoustic section that he said “will vary from night to night, week to week.”

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Currently Listening to Allison Iraheta’s ‘Don’t Waste the Pretty (feat Orianthi)’

June 3, 2010 1 comment

** Support Allison! Download a copy of Don’t Waste the Pretty (feat Orianthi) on iTunes or Amazon! (note that both Amazon & iTunes are also offering an acoustic version!) **

Yay, good to see that Jive hasn’t washed its hand off Allison Iraheta yet! Not only is she opening for good friend Adam Lambert on his Glam Nation tour, she’s releasing a new single to radio! And to up the ante, Jive asked guitar shredder (and fellow Glam Nation opener) Orianthi to add a guitar solo to the track – this new radio edit will be released on iTunes on June 8 – can’t wait!

Michael Slezak from EW gave the new radio edit a very good review – read his article! I really liked Orianthi’s contribution to the track – it just added the right dash of ‘rock’ for me that perfectly complimented Allison’s growl. I’m very excited to get my hands on the HQ iTunes version!

Meantime, listen to the streaming track c/o Zomba/Jive by clicking on the READ MORE tab below! (I hid it since the track auto-starts which I know irritates some readers!)
Read more…