
Archive for September 17, 2010

Don’t Leave Your New Kindle Naked!

September 17, 2010 Leave a comment

So, you’ve got your spanky-new Kindle 3 in your hand? Are you calling it your precious? If so, just remember you need to do two things to protect you and your Kindle: 1) Get the Extended warranty (2 years extended is $39.99) since you can never tell, and 2) Get a cover!

If you’re broke and don’t want to shell out even more money, and you’re particularly handy with DIY projects, why not make your own cover (like this lady’s crotcheted Kindle 3 cover)? Or how about those really cheap padded envelopes you use for shipping? You can be artistic and put designs on the outside so it doesn’t quite look like just a padded envelope, right?

* Update: Check out this step-by-step guide on making your very own custom Tunisian crochet case!

If you figure that since you’ve already spent $139/$189 – so why scrimp now, check out the new Kindle 3 covers that’s available!

One of the pricier covers are Amazon’s own Kindle Lighted Leather Covers at $59.99, but hey, you get a built-in light that charges off your Kindle! (If you want to see the lighted cover in action, check out this YouTube video demo). I do wonder if people really get the high-end-priced covers like Cole Haan ($99.00! no way am I ever shelling out almost a hundred bucks for a cover that costs almost like another eReader!) or Diane von Furstenberg ($85.00!)? There are other more reasonably-priced choices on Amazon’s Kindle 3 cover page, so check them out!

And you needn’t be limited to Amazon, you know. You can find some really good stuff on *Etsy (Gardenour, Elizabeth David Design) or EBay. Just be sure to do your research on the sellers before you plunk down your CC!

*Etsy’s like this place where people can hawk their own products, so I can’t vouch for the sellers. But most people are happy to get some limited-edition items there. And we all know what eBay is, meaning tread carefully.

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